
The ACWL charges modest fees for dispute settlement support

The ACWL charges fees in accordance with a time budget (pdf) established by the Management Board.

The time budget indicates the maximum number of hours that the ACWL may charge for its services related to each procedural step in a typical WTO dispute settlement proceeding.

It should be noted that not all the procedural steps listed in the time budget will necessarily occur in every proceeding.

Support in dispute settlement proceedings is billed at hourly rates.

Fees range from CHF162.00 per hour for Category C Members, CHF243.00 per hour for Category B Members, and CHF324.00 per hour for Category A Members. LDCs pay CHF40.00 per hour.

Maximum charges for a complainant or respondent (in Swiss francs)

Consultations Panel Proceedings Appellate Body Proceedings Total
Category A 47,628 143,856 85,212 276,696
Category B 35,721 107,892 63,909 207,522
Category C 23,814 71,928 42,606 138,348
LDC 5,880 17,760 10,520 34,160
Maximum charges for a third-party (in Swiss francs)

Panel Proceedings Appellate Body Proceedings Total
Category A 20,736 28,836 49,572
Category B 15,552 21,627 37,179
Category C 10,368 14,418 24,786
LDC* 2,560 3,560 6,120

* May be provided free of charge under certain conditions.

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